The plot revolves around Ayanokoji Kiyotaka, a student at Tokyo Metropolitan Advanced Nurturing High School. He appears boring, emotionless, and antisocial at first impression. He does not wish to live a high-profile life, although he possesses exceptional ability. Ayanokoji possesses extraordinary intelligence and cunning, yet he desires to be perceived as an average student. Despite this, he continues to work behind the scenes to help his class reach the top.


His school, you see, is a prominent high school. Advanced Nurturing High School graduates have a 100% acceptance rate in any career or college. They must also live in dorms with little touch with the outside world. However, the school offers a variety of amenities such as food, entertainment, and recreation. Their school is so large that it might pass for a city.

Ayanokoji met his classmate, Horikita Suzune, on his first day of school. They are alike in that they are both antisocial. She is a clever and loyal woman, yet her plain attitude causes her to be abrupt. They were both allocated to the lowest first-year level, level 1-D.

When their lesson began, Chabashira Sae, their teacher, explained how the school system operated. The system is designed so that students can use their points to purchase anything. Points are converted, with 1 class point equaling 1000 yen. The school will provide each student with a monthly allowance of 100,000 yen. Upon hearing this, practically all of the Class D students delighted and began making spontaneous purchases. Despite the news, Ayanokoji and Horikita spent their money prudently, purchasing only necessities. As it turns out, their decision was correct.

Class D had received no points by the end of their second month of school. Students were perplexed and protested to their teacher. Miss Chabashira mocked her students with her laughter. She went on to explain that each class has a set number of class points. Their monthly allowance will be determined by the overall number of points earned in the class. Class D had 0 points after the first month owing to their misconduct. The class standing will also be determined by this system. Class D will become the new Class C if it has more points than Class C. To do so, all pupils must have good marks and behave well. If a student does not pass, they will be expelled. Horikita begins to act with this understanding.

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