India won the gold medal in the men’s compound archery event. South Korea was defeated 235-230 by the Indian team, which included Ojas Pravin Deotale, Abhishek Verma, and Prathamesh Samadhan Jawkar.

On Thursday, October 5, India won the gold medal in compound men’s archery at the Asian Games 2023. Ojas Pravin Deotale, Abhishek Verma, and Prathamesh Samadhan Jawkar were part of the team that helped India defeat South Korea 235-230 at the Fuyang Yinhu Sports Centre Final Field. It also meant that India had won their 21st gold medal in the ongoing Hangzhou event.

India appeared to be in complete control from the start, winning End 1 58-55. Korea had a better End 2, but the Indian quartet maintained their lead, 116-114. End 3 saw India score 59 points, bringing the score to 175-171. South Koreans Jongho Kim, Jaewon Yang, Jaehoon and Joo fought valiantly in End 4, but the gap was difficult to overcome, especially with the Indian squad in high form.

Ojas, Abhishek, and Prathamesh are well-known archery figures. Ojas is from Nagpur, and his interest in archery began as a boy, when he made homemade bows and arrows out of household brooms. His skill earned him a historic compound men’s gold medal at the 2023 Hyundai World Archery Championships.

Abhishek, a Hindu College alumnus, went on to study at Georgetown University in Washington DC before becoming the Editor-Publisher of ‘India Worldwide,’ a monthly magazine for non-resident Indians in the United States. Prathamesh, on the other hand, won gold at the Shanghai 2023 Hyundai Archery World Cup Stage 2 tournament by one point over World Number 1 Mike Schloesser. In addition, he won a silver medal at the 2023 Archery World Cup Final in Hermosillo, Mexico.

Score Table

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