In our new video, Leo Rydel will take you through the universe of Tower of God, explaining what battle positions are, what a Princess of Jahad is, and how the entire ascent to the top works. If you were perplexed by the finale, we have the solutions for you. That also means there will be SPOILERS EVERYWHERE. You’ve been warned!

Tower of God has become a popular element of anime conversation groups since its April launch, but for those new to the anime, it has a deep backstory beyond what the initial episodes have shown us. That’s why we’re here!

The Tower

The Tower serves as the series’ principal setting and is where the majority of the inhabitants in this planet are born. The Tower is divided into three pieces. The first is the inner tower, where only a select group of people known as “Regulars” can ascend the Tower. The inner tower contains 135 storeys, with a ruler on each floor who decides on a set of exams that are subsequently carried out by the test director, administrators, and other staff. Every floor also has a Guardian who is in charge of the Shinsu on that floor. Shinsu is a flowering material found in the Tower. Consider it like Chakra from Naruto. Each floor has a varied degree of Shinsu density, which manifests itself in various ways. Nobody has made it to the 135th floor of the Tower, so the current “top” of the inner tower is the 134th floor. Those who reach the top are called “Rankers.”

The “outer tower” refers to the second segment of the Tower. The residential area is located in the outer tower. The outer tower’s floors are supposed to be as huge as North and South America combined. Each floor has its own culture, environment, and ecosystem. Some residents are unaware of the inner tower’s existence. The “Regulars” stated earlier are people chosen from the outer tower to climb. Individuals who were not born in the outer tower are referred to as “Irregulars.” These people are not picked to climb the Tower, yet they do it anyhow. Also, depending on how high they climb the Tower, people in this planet can live for hundreds of years. Rankers can live over 1,000 years!

Lastly, in the Middle Area is a bridge between the two sections and where Rankers live. Regulars can live there too if they reach the 20th floor.


The Tower’s “King” is Jahad. He and other great soldiers climbed and captured the Tower’s 134 stories, which his dominion now controls. He chooses outstanding female fighters to be “Princesses of Jahad,” and they are his daughters. The princesses are chosen every few hundred years and must follow severe rules:


Rankers, Tests, and Positions

Rankers are people who have climbed the Tower. They are classified into numerous groups based on their level of authority, recognition, and impact. There are around 10,000 Advanced Rankers, who represent the top 10% of all Rankers. High Rankers are the top 1% of the population and are referred to as “Gods among Gods.” Only High Rankers can become Tower Floor Rulers.

Speaking of floors, each one in the inner tower has a test or series of tests, with two types: the current system for Regulars and the ancient method for Irregulars. The Regular testing system consists of one or more tests, with increasing difficulty as you progress. In most circumstances, the tests are provided by the floor Rulers, although they can also be given by the Guardian. The Irregular testing method is made up of a Guardian’s test that reflects the desires of the Irregular taking the test. If they die, the Guardian may grant any or all of the Irregular’s requests.
When it comes to positions, there are numerous options. A character in a team situation could be:

The Fisherman are the frontline offense, charging into battle.
The Spear Bearer: is the second line of attack, fighting from a distance or up close.
The Scout: goes ahead and gathers information before returning it to the team.
The Light Bearer collects and distributes information to the team.
The Wave Controller: the battle’s mastermind, they aid the entire squad through healing or huge attacks.


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