Igloo Studio developed the fantasy-science fiction anime My Daemon for Netflix. On November 23, 2023, the first season of 13 episodes was made available.

Twenty minutes into the future, a nuclear accident has unleashed a horrific beast known as Daemons, which are popping up everywhere. The majority of people view these Daemons as threats and hunt them down like rodents. They are different sizes, shapes, and possess unique abilities. Daemons are forced to labor for certain humans, referred to as specialists. Despite being mocked by most, one boy, Kento Tachibana, has developed a true bond with a Daemon named Anna, seeing her as his pet and buddy. Kento’s mother is caught in the crossfire and dies when a bounty hunter shows up to kidnap Anna. Grieving, Kento and Anna set out to travel to Kyushu in order to locate .

Tropes: Full-time admiration of the Abomination: Kento. Kento finds beauty in Daemons, despite the fact that most people view them as evil and repulsive. He primarily displays it when he gushes about Anna, but he also does it with other Daemons.

Artificial Limbs: To operate his numerous devices, such as the camera around his Daemon Baron’s neck, Uraga the Daemon Expert has fitted a holographic computer screen into his robotic right arm.

Assault on the fifty-foot In any case, daemons can be any sizeā€”some even having Kaiju proportions.

Black-Hole Belly: Anna’s ability to absorb objects and store them inside her body in a Pocket Dimension for later use is one of her powers. She has the ability to absorb objects considerably larger than herself, and once she releases it, it doesn’t change (a dish of food she ingested three days later was still warm, as if it had just been made). She can only store inert and dead objects, though; living things cause her problems.

An elementary school student and his pet daemon are known as “A Boy and His X.”

Crapsack World: You are screwed no matter who you are in a world where a nuclear blast caused everything to go crazy. As a human, all you can hope for is to avoid being killed by rogue Daemons or polluted by their particles; as a Daemon, you should brace yourself to avoid being slayed or taken advantage of by humans.

The Dog Bite Back: Casper, the bounty hunter who tracks down Kento and Anna in the first episode, is a Daemon owned by the bounty hunter and is subdued by a shock collar. When Kento takes off the collar, Casper turns against his owner and eats him.

In actuality, it’s a recurrent subject. Since many Daemon experts consider their pets to be either tools or pests at worst, they don’t feel guilty about mistreating them when something goes wrong. For the sake of their perverse curiosity, some of them even experiment on them. Because of this, the instant Daemons manage to escape their control, they become very hostile against humans, even if innocent individuals are involved.

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