Jujutsu Kaisen, a manga by Gege Akutami, has a fictional character named Satoru Gojo (ご惡 悼 in Japanese, Gojō Satoru in Hepburn). He was originally shown as the mentor of the cursed adolescent Yuta Okkotsu at Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School in Akutami’s short series Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical School. Jujutsu Kaisen 0 is the prelude of Jujutsu Kaisen, based on this miniseries. While playing the same function in Jujutsu Kaisen, Gojo helps Yuji Itadori, a student who has a similar Curse, grow stronger and defend other characters in the series.

Gojo was crafted by Gege Akutami to be a formidable yet endearing figure who genuinely cares about his students. In the MAPPA animated versions, he is voiced by Kaiji Tang in English and Yūichi Nakamura in Japanese.


The character became the series’ standout character after receiving positive press from the media for his strength and casual demeanor while defending his students. In addition, the media praised his performance in the precursor Jujutsu Kaisen 0 because of his dark side, which included a romance with Suguru Geto, the antagonist.

Origination and ideation
Satoru Gojo was one of the strongest characters in the entire series, but Gege Akutami also wanted to make him simple enough for readers to grasp. Gojo wears a blindfold, which is one of his main design concepts. He’s still able to see because of his superhuman abilities. Curses were mostly encountered through his six eyes, or the Six Eyes.When Akutami made his screen debut in Jujutsu Kaisen 0, he connected Gojo and Yuta Okkotsu to the well-known Japanese historical figure Michizane Sugawara, explaining how both characters got their magical abilities. This was done as a memorial to Yamanaka, his late editor. Gojo’s facial design was influenced by a minor Naruto character whose face was covered in bandages. Gojo is supposed to be a handsome man, frequently referred to as a bishonen.Despite these appearances, Akutami believes that the task of being true to a woman prevents her from writing Gojo in a loving relationship. Akutami spoke about Gojo’s relationship with his students, Yuji Itadori and Yuta Okkotsu in particular, stating that Gojo just wants troublemakers to get stronger. Calling each other by their last name rather than their given name is a frequent practice in Japan. But Gojo addresses every one of his pupils by their first names. Akutami said he made this decision because he saw Gojo did not have proper consideration for such social traditions.

One of Gojo’s early sequences, the Domain Expansion scene in the season, was a particularly difficult one to get exactly right, according to Sunghoo Park, who directed both the anime adaptation of the first season of the series and the new prequel film. Still, he thought that kind of scenario was noteworthy. Park and his crew asked Akutami for advice on how to best incorporate the colors from Gojo’s Domain Expansion because the original scenario was only in black and white. While “the story of Okkotsu and Rika as the main characters of Jujutsu Kaisen 0” is undoubtedly the highlight of the movie, Park also expressed his desire to concentrate on other comic characters, most notably the past relationship between Gojo and Geto, which was explored briefly in the original manga.Seko was requested by the director to feature a new fight scene between Gojo and Miguel in the climax.

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