Rolonia, Adlet, and company venture farther into the Wailing Demon Territory. In addition to being wary of one another, the seven were attacked by a Kyoma chieftain who had devastated Adlet’s hamlet, Tgurneu. Following a furious struggle in which neither side was able to overcome the other, the braves withdrew. Mora began to behave strangely.

It transpires that Mora and Tgurneu struck a pact. In the past, Tgurneu put some parasites in the heart of Mora’s daughter, Shenira, and threatened to murder her if she did not kill a brave within, I believe, twenty-two days. Using the Saint of Word’s abilities, Mora forced Tgurneu to pledge that he would never deceive her and that he would remove the parasites only after she had murdered a brave in order to ensure that he would keep his word. After Tgurneu did, Mora returned to her family and tried to figure out a means to murder Tgurneu, or at least devise a scheme to murder a heroic person.

She first placed her trust in Adlet, but Tgurneu was not killed by Adlet’s most powerful weapon—a nail infused with poison drawn from the blood of a saint that was meant to kill every Kyoma. Hans, Adlet, Goldof, and Rolonia proceeded to the location where they were ambushed to see why.

Tgurneu subsequently reveals to Mora in the Wailing Demon Territory that he wrote to Viron, the Saint of Salt, who is aware of this arrangement, requesting that Shenira be slain in two days if the parasite did not vanish. Knowing she would not have much time, Mora quickly devised a plot to murder one of the braves. After knocking out Chamo and Fremy, she summoned the other four, asking Adlet and Rolonia to come to her and the others to leave since Fremy had escaped. When Hans and Rolonia arrived instead, things did not go as planned for her. Hans quickly came to the conclusion that Mora had tricked them and battled her. Just as Adlet and Goldof returned, Mora, who had nearly lost both of her legs and one kidney, killed Hans. Hans came back to life after Rolonia followed Mora’s instructions to revive him. After administering basic first aid when Chamo and Fremy awoke, Mora tells the entire crew the entire tale.
In the meantime, Tgurneu praised Mora’s slyness and Shenira managed to survive. It is discovered that Tgurneu really resembles a fig.

In the epilogue, Dozzu, the banished former leader of the Kyoma, welcomes a weary Nashetania. They discussed their idea to bring about global transformation.


It’s Adlet’s and Fremy’s moment to shine after their fantastic performances in volume 1. Hans and Rolonia, at least in my opinion, really nailed this book. Alright, everyone, disregard everything I mentioned in my anime review about Rolonia. Rolonia is genuinely rather fascinating, her remarkable abilities and unwavering will standing in stark contrast to her total lack of confidence and, well, peculiar approach to self-motivation. Even though Hans doesn’t play a significant part in the majority of the novel other than running around, he really excels at his confrontation with Mora. Even though he was an ordinary person, he was able to nearly murder one of the most venerated Saints. In the scene, I also particularly enjoy his dialogue.

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